2020/06/15 04:45
The reason all Porter Classic products are made in Japan is simple.
High level craftsmanship.
Our colleagues from the factories to the independent professionals are artisanal blessings, and the constant challenges they overcome defy quality in each of our products.
Here’s an open letter we sent to the artisans, asking them about their work ethics, their creative surroundings and their economic views that forms Porter Classic.
- PCの「写真」を作る現場は、どのような現場ですか?
Please share with us what kind of environment, or work state, Porter Classic photograph is created in.
In a lot of places. America, Europe, Tokyo, Hokuriku area, Shonai area, Shodo Island, Nikko, etc. It’s always refreshing and interesting to see the synergy PC creates by visiting different places around the world.
- なぜ「写真道」に惹かれたのですか? その道の魅力を教えてください。
What attracted you to this craft? What was(is) the appeal?
I don’t know how, but I wanted to make a living doing photography.
There are many appeals to this craft, but I think it’s how photography can keep you feeling fresh.
- 純粋に作られた「写真」と純粋に作られてない「写真」の違いは何ですか?
Tell us the difference between a "pure" photograph and a "fake" photograph.
Today, with the proliferation of the smart phones and social media you see a lot of cool images but it doesn’t matter how fancy it looks if the photograph doesn’t touch your heart.
- 作業しやすい格好はどのような格好ですか? 何故ですか?
What’s a comfortable work wear?
The job requires me to move around a lot so I wear flexible clothes with pockets.
- 「写真づくり」において、ルーティーンやルールなどありますか?
Do you have a routine or a set of rules in your craft?
My rule is to submit photographs that move me. I was taught that if you compromise and submit a photograph that doesn’t move you, than it can’t move others.
That lesson has kept me going.
- ご自身が好きなPCの表現(商品など)は何ですか?
What expression or product by Porter Classic resonates with you?
Basically, it’s not any specific item but more about the mindset. I like their approach to creativity. Every detail is cared for by all of their staff and it’s a real pleasure every season.
"Dialogue with an Artisan" Vol. 10
June 11th (Thu) 17:00.